PG Treningslab
Per Gunnar from PG Treningslab wanted a new modern website that is easy for the users to navigate and use. I designed and developed this using pen and paper, adobe illustrator and adobe XD.
I decided to create this with Gatsby.js because of SEO and speed. Because I'm using for conent management the site needs to be able to fetch that data without the user having to wait for it to fetch. Gatsby.js renders all the pages on the server side on buildtime which fetches the data and creates static html pages for all the pages and blog posts etc.. Gatsby also makes linking to internal pages super quick by preloading the page before you even click the link. This ensures that the content on the next page is ready for when you navigate to it.
The combination of and Gatsby.js makes for a good, seemless, fast, easy and uninterrupted user experience for both the users and the editors of the page.